>Worldwide sunrise, sunset, moonrise and moonset times.
The most popular sunrise and sunset times calculator for Android! Handy for photography, hunting, outdoor activites and holiday planning. Also calculates length of daylight, moonrise and moonset times, and lunar phase with illuminated fraction.
You can use your location from wireless networks or GPS, or select any location worldwide using a map, name or zip code search, or coordinate entry. Locations can be saved for later use.
Sundroid Pro has many more features including widgets, a sun, moon and planet tracker, planet rise and set times, monthly calendars, eclipses, alarms and notifications, and much more. Sundroid Free includes demos of all these features so you can try before you buy. To find out more about Sundroid Pro, see my other apps or search for "Sundroid".
Please email me with any problems or questions you may have, I'm happy to help!
***** Example uses *****
Here are some examples of what Sundroid Free can be used for. If you've found another use, let me know!
· Photography
· Sailing
· Flying
· Hiking
· Hunting and fishing
***** About permissions *****
In case you're concerned about permissions, here's what Sundroid Free needs them for. I'm happy to answer any question you have about security, so please feel free to get in touch.
· Internet access: Used to look up the name and time zone of your location, and for location selection using maps and search. Connects to Google only; there is no usage monitoring. Offline use is supported.
· Coarse and fine location: Allows Sundroid to get your current location (at your request) using GPS or networks.